This is a question about doclinks in a mixed client environment (Notes/Outlook). I've been trying to get doclinks to work in Outlook they work just like ordinary URLs, when they are converted to mime instead of notes rich text you get something like:
This works in Notes but in outlook, Lotus pops up, but says "you're not allowed to route through this server". A bit of playing around, and I found that if I create a hotspot in a document and put:
Notes://<servername>/80256AE00038332B/6472E18B00D2134780256BCA0031BB4F/C07B1AC35C3E50AB80256E12003391C2 as the URL, then it works fine in Outlook. So, my question is, how do I get Notes to put a machine name into the doclink when you right click a document and go "copy as link"? Or maybe add this at the server level when a doclink is sent? Any ideas?